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Black Friday does not sit well with us, at all. It never has and it never will.
It comes again, another year around, and it makes november even more grey. We do agree it's a black day – because it do comes with dark consequences for both our people and planet. Honestly, haven't we produced enough already? Mama Earth is tired! Super duper tired! We need to rethink our consumption behavior because the resources we have are finite. We don´t think that you should stop shopping for good, no. We just want you to start ask yourself; who is paying the price? Because if you don´t – someone else is. 

Today is a day called Circular Monday and it may occur to you as just another anti-campaign? Well, not really. We believe that the future is circular and that a sharing economy will be norm instead of the old, boring and linear wear-and-tear-economy. To make a statement against over-consumption we are happy to join a great Swedish initiative called Circular Monday

This is a conscious initiativ that aims to highlight circular options and give you alternative to fast fashion. This on the other hand, sits really well with our vision which is to change the world with style. Here you find circular consumption, which means that you can consume as much as you want, but it doesn’t require new resources from Mother Earth. It is the new way of doing things, instead of the good old "wear and tear". And on Monday, November 23th, everyone shares the same message: The future is circular!

Here is some example of circular economy and how we work with it:

1. Rent: Before internet & music streaming was invented, CD’s were produced and shipped all over the world. Now, more people can listen and no production is needed. Same with housing rental.

The way we work with this is through clothing libraries; rent your clothes instead of just buying. By leasing you can expand your wardrobe in our virtual closet and it is not only better for you but also the environment. We are proud to collaborate with the most awesome leasing partners Sabina and Friends (Stockholm) and here you can find lots of fashionable brands and it is perfect for any occasion – just rent it, rock it and return! Such a great way if sharing, you should all go check them out today. 

2. Repair: When you got a flat tire on your bike, do you repair it or buy a completely new bike? That’s right, repair. Let’s do the same with electronics & clothes as well - and demand repair services from the big players we buy products from.

According to us,  repairing and mending doesn´t mean we can´t afford to buy something new – it means we can´t afford something being thrown away. We look at all our garments as friends. Good friends who once in a while need some extra support. Working with up-cycled textiles requires some extra touch. In some instances the stories written by the ones who first worn the fabric may have left some small tracks such as tiny loose threads or tiny stains on the fabric. According to us, this is a beautiful part of the history where your global sister's memories and experiences are embedded in the print. Majority can easily be fixed by a stitch or two. And if not? The sky is the limit when we talk re-design! And do not underestimate zero waste-thinking, just have a look here for example. Use your creativity and give your garments lots of love – the most sustainable closet is the one we already have. 

3. Reuse: Have you heard of marketplaces like Ebay? Or Facebook Marketplace? Their marketplace enables products to be reused.

My sister and I founded this collective in 2014 and since that day we've been working with up-cycled textiles. We reuse fabrics previously worn as traditional saris and re-design these into new pieces of art. Why? Because want to make sure that all that beauty that already exists can have a chance to maintain. Because we know these prints come with stories written by women – stories worth to pay forward. We reuse these textiles because we honor the history and we care for the future. So much good has already been created, why not take care of what's already here? Just have a look into your own wardrobe, we promise you that there are lots of memories embedded in your garments too. Let's bring these stories back to life again by giving these clothes a second chance. When reusing what we already have we can not only save money – but also our planet. 


This is just the beginning of a conscious colorful new era and together we can close the loop in fashion. We need to start talk about the alternatives to fast fashion (and mass consumption in general) in order to make it easier to make conscious choices. Keep up the good work, share your thoughts with friends, family and whoever might be listening (puppies are great too!). And above all – take action today – and start to walk your talk! No matter what you do or what you don't, make sure to treat your garments as the good friends they are ❤ 


Lisa Bläckt, co-founder of Cornelia Sun Collective 
#whitemonday #changetheworldwithstyle #circularfashion